Some images touch us in an odd way. I do not know what to make of this one. It does not have the harmony to hold the different elements together. It was a test on the use of some new photoshop tools. My wife saw it and found it beautiful. In her honor, here it is.
Hi, Luis.
This picture has beautiful colors and interesting patterns and textures in the old wood at the center.
THe wooden object is the kind of thing I would like to find in the woods and to photograph.
What I find disturbing about the picture is the black areas at left and bottom. They are like holes torn out of it. AS a result, the composition desn't hang together as a whole. Maybe that is why you didn't like it yourself?
I sometimes shoot an obect that I find interesting, only to find out that I can't make a good photograph out of the resulting picture.
Stan, agree. The black is like a hand clapping this picture. I do not like the straw. They seem chaotic and there is no structure but the pattern of the ice on the ground.
Oh well... I hope I find such a thing again and do a better job.
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